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Utility (Antivirus)

Avast Tutorial, how to download and set properly the best free antivirus


Many users believe that the standard security system, which our computers are equipped with, are not sufficiently robust barriers to can thwart the always new malware and viruses created to threaten our files.

Created in 1988 at the hands of two Czech Pavel Baudis and Eduard Kucera Avast it is, for now one of the most famous and used antivirus in circulation.


With the passing of the years different versions of Avast have been created as a pro, the business versions, and mobile versions, covering the three major operating systems in use today, such as Microsoft, Android and Mac.4

During this tutorial we will see how it is extremely easy to download and install on the  "Avast Free Antivirus" version.



The first thing to do is to connect to the site via the button below, once on site to start downloading is enough to click on the download button (first image of the slider above) and choose which version is more up your alley, of course, the free version is the one with less features conversely the premier version that  for a fee is the one which ensures more safety to your devices.

Once the download is started and the permits are confirmed for the installation of your new antivirus, the installation wizard will start, change the preferred options and advance through the forward button until the end will be enough.




Once the installation is complete the software will prompt you to restart your computer and start an automatic scanning once on again, although you can use the antivirus immediately reboot is strongly recommended.






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Utility (Antivirus) Jan 11, 2018

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