The Journal

"Write what you know. That should leave you with a lot of free time." Howard Nemerov


In this page, you will find my blog posts, I write to share my knowledge and my experiences.
Skim them and you will find what you are looking for.



In the coding part of this blog you will learn how are created websites and web applications



Lots of tutorials and tips on how to use softwares and the latest news in the field of technology



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Coding (Php 7.x) Aug 28, 2020 15 Minutes to read

Discovering Higher Order Functions [refactoring to Collections]

There are amazing ways to improve your PHP, map, reduce and filter are some of them

Adam Wathan book See details
Coding (Php 7.x) Aug 19, 2020 15 Minutes to read

Introduction to Composer [Command-line interface pt2]

Learn about composer create-project, dumpautoload, fund, composer why, validate and many other command you can use while writing PHP

See details
Coding (Php 7.x) Aug 14, 2020 8 Minutes to read

Strategy in PHP [Design pattern with examples]

The amazing way to use composition over inheritance

See details
Coding (Php 7.x) Jul 24, 2020 12 Minutes to read

Introduction to Composer [Command-line interface]

Learn about composer init, install, update, require, search and many other command you can use while writing PHP

See details
Coding (Php 7.x) Jul 17, 2020 9 Minutes to read

Introduction to Composer [installation and components]

Install Composer in your machine and start using components

See details
Coding (Php 7.x) Jul 11, 2020 15 Minutes to read

Domain-driven design {model integrity}

How to take appropriate measure to ensure the success of a web project

See details
Coding (Php 7.x) May 27, 2020 11 Minutes to read

Domain-driven design {building blocks}

Uncover the building blocks of Domain-driven design and apply them in your applications

See details
Coding (Php 7.x) May 20, 2020 15 Minutes to read

Domain-driven design quickest {the basics}

From Eric Evans and Avram & Marinescu books, learn how to properly design a web application

See details
Coding (Php 7.x) Apr 30, 2020 8 Minutes to read

Builder in PHP [Design pattern with examples]

Discover one of the most advanced creational design patterns

See details
Coding (Psicology) Apr 24, 2020 13 Minutes to read

Developers Quarantined (how to stay productive)

The stories of software engineers during Covid-19, + Work-from-home productivity tips

See details
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